Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's Up with This???

I've wiped out the old blog and have begun anew! SO many changes over the past few months and I will take time to eventually write them all down--but not today. :) Today is officiallly Day 2 of my summer vacation and I've already done so much--except clean my house. :(

Last week, I attended a Writing Workshop that my school signed up for. I was not looking forward to this week-long training. I just didn't know what to expect, but once there, the "greeness" of my attitude as a teacher shone through. Our instructor in the morning sessions was interesting...but he gave great instruction! We were there to learn how to develop a writing notebook and teach it to our classes. It was stressed that writing is such an integral part of learning. Yep--I knew that; but how am I, not a writer, going to teach writing to 5th graders? Scary.

Our first assignment was to decorate our writer's notebook. Not scary. My over-achieving self found some cute scrapbook paper at home and got to work. The next day, we took 20 minutes and wrote about forgiveness. Really? That's pretty deep for a workshop. I filled up 2 pages in no time! We then worked in groups and developed ideas that just came into our head. The two ideas I had were "Technology and Family Life" and "The Fall of the Extended Family." Deep. Where did those ideas come from? I chose to elaborate and wrote about the extended family, which turned into a short narrative.

I was excited!!! But, where did this excitement come from? I never got excited about writing and somehow the words began to flow. Initial feedback from our instructor was that "I was a writer." A what? Never. But deep inside I knew. I wrote last night in my notebook and can't wait to write more. Where will this take me--I am not sure. I do know that there is a desire that I never knew I had and I want to use this for the betterment of my students and to fulfill God's purpose in my life.

1 comment:

patti said...

Awesome Inez! I'm not sure I had even seen your other blog but this one is gorgeous and I'm so glad you shared about your Writing Camp! I can't wait to read the paper on forgiveness!